What is the findings in research?

What is the findings in research?

The principal outcomes of a research project; what the project suggested, revealed or indicated. This usually refers to the totality of outcomes, rather than the conclusions or recommendations drawn from them.

How do you present analysis findings?

Experimental studiesPresent results in tables and figures.Use text to introduce tables and figures and guide the reader through key results.Point out differences and relationships, and provide information about them.Include negative results (then try to explain them in the Discussion section/chapter)

What is presentation method?

Your presentation method—that is, the way in which you deliver a presentation—is just as important as organizing your material ahead of your presentation. How you deliver your message is actually a vital component of the message itself.

What is the data presentation?

Presenting data involves the use of a variety of different graphical techniques to visually show the reader the relationship between different data sets, to emphasise the nature of a particular aspect of the data or to geographically ‘place’ data appropriately on a map.