What is the best anti-inflammatory for costochondritis?

What is the best anti-inflammatory for costochondritis?

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory medication (also called a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID) that is often effective for costochondritis.

What should you not do with costochondritis?

Costochondritis can be aggravated by any activity that places stress on your chest area, such as strenuous exercise or even simple movements like reaching up to a high cupboard. Any activity that makes the pain in your chest area worse should be avoided until the inflammation in your ribs and cartilage has improved.

How do I get instant relief from costochondritis?

They include:

  1. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs pain relievers. Ask your doctor about using ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve, others).
  2. Heat or ice. Try placing hot compresses or a heating pad on the painful area several times a day.
  3. Rest.

Can costochondritis be treated with antibiotics?

Infectious (bacterial or fungal) costochondritis should be treated with IV antibiotics. Afterward, antibiotics by mouth or by IV should be continued for another 2 to 3 weeks. You should see a doctor during recovery, and then once a year.

Does Voltaren Gel help costochondritis?

I tried Voltaren Emulgel 2 times a day directly on the sternum area and I found it just makes the sharp pain disappear. It was a great relief for costochondritis.

Does stretching help costochondritis?

The best treatment for chest pain from costochondritis is active in nature. Postural correction, breathing exercises, and stretches can help decrease your pain and improve your mobility. Over-the-counter pain medication or anti-inflammatory medicine may be useful.

Is it OK to exercise with costochondritis?

It’s a good idea to avoid stressing the area and refrain from exercise and work activities that may aggravate the condition. If coughing aggravates the pain, cough suppressants can quiet cough and ease the strain of chest muscles.

Does costochondritis get worse at night?

The pain from costochondritis may be most noticeable when an individual is lying in bed at night. It is important to find a suitable lying position in order to reduce the degree of discomfort. It may be useful to use local heat as much as possible providing this does not aggravate the condition.

Why does my costochondritis keep coming back?

If your costochondritis is caused by muscle overuse, it can keep coming back if you continue the activities that cause muscle strain. Similarly, if conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis are the cause of costochondritis, they can potentially lead to further episodes of pain in the future.

Does caffeine make costochondritis worse?

Stress contributes to the pain because it makes the muscles tense. Other things that hurt are lifting, pushing, pulling, sneezing, coughing, long hours of driving or using the computer, repetitive motions and caffeine. Cold, rainy and humid weather also make the discomfort worse.

Can walking make costochondritis worse?

So, in costochondritis, there is inflammation in either the costochondral, costosternal or sternoclavicular joints (or a combination). This causes pain, which tends to be worse when you move, or when you press down on the affected part.