What is the difference between Maksutov Cassegrain and Schmidt Cassegrain?

What is the difference between Maksutov Cassegrain and Schmidt Cassegrain?

The main difference between Schmidt-Cassegrains and Maksutov-Cassegrains is the corrector lens at the front of the telescope. SCTs use a flat Schmidt corrector which has a very slight aspheric curve. Mak-Casses use a meniscus corrector, a highly curved spherical lens, to achieve the same effect.

What is the largest Maksutov Cassegrain telescope?

APM Telescopes recently completed initial work on the optical set of what might be the largest true Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope ever attempted, a 20-inch f/8 monster of a Mak-Cass!

Do you have to collimate a Maksutov Cassegrain telescope?

Most such telescopes are properly aligned at the factory, and it is not expected that the end-user will ever need to make any major adjustments. So, in effect, no, you do not need to collimate a Maksutov Cassegrain telescope.

Are Cassegrain telescopes the best?

Maksutov Cassegrain Telescopes make for excellent planetary viewing and imaging, and can provide even better views of the planets than SCTs due to slightly longer focal ratios. Dall Kirkham Telescopes are a more expensive telescope design best used for planetary viewing or imaging, and are often used for research.

What is a Cassegrain telescope used for?

Cassegrain reflector, in astronomical telescopy, an arrangement of mirrors to focus incoming light at a point close to the main light-gathering mirror. The design was proposed in 1672 by French priest Laurent Cassegrain.

Is a Schmidt Cassegrain good for astrophotography?

When it comes to imaging we have found the Schmidt-Cassegrain (SCT) type scopes are very good. Some astrophotographers prefer other types and they all have their benefits but SCT scopes are very versatile and are not cost prohibitive. Another type of telescope to consider is a Triplet Refractor.

What does collimation mean in radiology?

1. The making of a bundle of light rays parallel. 2. In radiography, limiting the size of the beam to the required region on the patient, thereby protecting the remainder of the patient from radiation.

Is Newtonian or refractor better?

The best (apochromatic) refractors give images that are brighter, sharper, and contrastier than a comparably sized newtonian reflector. Refractors are more rugged, and more easily adapted to photography.

What are Cassegrain telescopes good for?

Cassegrain telescopes are wonderful for all-around observing of the Moon, planets, double stars, and narrow-field views of deep-sky objects. In short, observers with a larger budget who still want aperture but who favor portability will find the Cassegrain suitable for their needs!