Where is Organic Valley based?

Where is Organic Valley based?

La Farge, Wisconsin
Organic Valley’s headquarters in La Farge, Wisconsin using LEED-certified practices. As demand for our organic foods quickly grew, so did farmers’ interest in joining our cooperative. Family farmers all over the country wanted to be part of this thriving movement.

Where does Organic Valley milk come from?

While all Organic Valley milk is sourced from pasture-raised cows grazing in lush pastures and exceeding USDA pasture policy for organic ruminants, Organic Valley Grassmilk milk takes it one step further. The cows are 100 percent grass-fed and eat only fresh grasses and dried forages, like hay.

Where are Organic Valley eggs from?

The operation, described in Organic Valley literature as “Stephen Judy’s Egg Farm” is in fact Petaluma Farms a large, vertically-integrated agricultural enterprise based in Petaluma, California.

Who Owns Organic Valley brand?

George Siemon is a long-haired former hippie, who flies coach, drives a hybrid and still rarely wears shoes. George really believes that people are more important than profits. Not exactly who you’d expect at the helm of a billion dollar food company.

Why Is Organic Valley milk so expensive?

Organic Valley dairy farms are around 50% smaller than the national average, and that smaller-scale means our farms and our business don’t rely on “economies of scale” in the same way other industries do, which results in more financial cost.

Is Organic Valley really free range?

Organic Valley Hens are Free to Forage™ Because “free-range” isn’t regulated and can mean different things across brands, the Organic Valley “Free to Forage” seal is our way of providing clarity to you on what free-range means to us. Buy Organic Valley eggs and taste the difference for yourself.

How much are a dozen of organic eggs?


Serving Size: 1egg Servings Per Container: 12
Calories Amount Per Serving 70 % Daily Value
Polyunsaturated Fat Amount Per serving (-)
Monounsaturated Fat Amount Per serving (-)
Cholesterol Amount Per serving 185mg 62%

Who bought Organic Valley?

General Mills on Monday announced a new sourcing partnership with Organic Valley, America’s largest organic farmer-owned cooperative, which will help 20 dairy farms add nearly 3,000 acres to organic dairy farming capacity over the next three years.

Is Organic Valley milk certified humane?

Certified Humane Raised and Handled Coming soon! Organic Valley eggs will be Certified Humane Raised and Handled through Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC)—just one more way you’ll know that our flocks are living the good life.