Do you quote in an annotated bibliography?

Do you quote in an annotated bibliography?

Form of Annotations Typically annotations do not exceed 150 to 200 words. Language and Use of Vocabulary: Use the vocabulary of the author as much as possible to convey the ideas and conclusions of the author. In these cases where you decide to include a quotation from the source, place it within quotation marks.

How do you annotate quickly?

4. Annotate Fast, like a studentUnderline main ideas or claims the author is making. What should you be taking away from this book? Circle words you don’t know and (optionally) define them in the margin.Put stars next to anything that gives you pause – either positive or negative.

What do you write in an annotation?

An annotation is a brief note following each citation listed on an annotated bibliography. The goal is to briefly summarize the source and/or explain why it is important for a topic. They are typically a single concise paragraph, but might be longer if you are summarizing and evaluating.